
Your Guides:

Trip Leaders – Michael Kobert & Dona Donato

Michael and Dona are specialists in spiritual travel around the globe.  They have been decades long spiritual travelers and believe strongly in the magic and personal transformation that comes from conscious travel to sacred sites and energetic places.  Their mystical explorations have taken them around the world both as solo travelers as well as group leaders.  They have explored such places as mysterious Chaco Canyon, the vortexes of Sedona, the path of Mary Magdalene in France, heart opening centers in Bali, consciousness altering Delphi in Greece, the sacred magic of Egypt, mystical sites of India, Thailand and Africa and the many ancient power places of Peru. They believe that spiritual travel nurtures self-growth in deeply profound ways and that engaging in service to others during these journeys brings incomparable joy – and so they endeavor to engage in sacred service to others on their trips.  They are experienced with several different forms of sacred medicine and lead and serve groups through these transcendent experiences.

By background Michael is a zoologist with a passion for nature, wildlife and sustainability. He is a talented alchemist and he delivers an unprecedented  level of support to trip participants.  He is currently creating the first-of-its-kind sanctuary for animals and people called Heart of the Wild.

Dona is a spiritual facilitator, ceremonialist, master teacher and life-coach who serves and helps people interpret messages from powerful plant spirit teachers.  She has been assisting  people along their own spiritual path with group and individual ceremonies for 20 years.

Sacred Medicine Leader – Lesley Myburgh

Lesley Myburgh, Medicine woman, (frequently referred to as “La Gringa”) is originally from South Africa and first came to Peru in 1991 during which time she started working with San Pedro. Lesley returned to Peru bringing groups for years to continue learning from this master plant. She relocated to Cusco in the late 90s and Lesley embarked on an apprenticeship under the guidance of a highly-respected teacher, which lasted for 2½ years. She subsequently continued her training from numerous internationally acclaimed spiritual leaders including Credo Mutwa (African spiritual leader), Don Ruben (Curandero), Don Ignacio (Ayahuasqero) amongst many others.

For the last 20 years Lesley has guided thousands of travelers and explorers worldwide in North & South America, Europe, Australia & Africa, using various healing techniques. Lesley travels to many countries sharing her gifts.

Q’ero Paco (Shaman) Louis Quispe 

Luis is a member of the Q’ero tribe – the Wisdom Keepers of the Andes.  He is a  pampamesayok – or keeper of ancient spiritual tradition initiated healers in the Q’ero tribe, stewards of Earth, following in the tradition of their father and grandfathers. He is a pure soul and gifted healer.  Andean Shamanism is a flexible and inclusive system.  Nothing is obligatory.  The only rule or law is the sacred art of ainy – the principal of reciprocity, which includes respect for every living thing.  Andean shamanism teaches how to communicate and interact directly with this world of living energies. There are no shamans among the Q’ero, as they are more mystical than shamanic. They call their spiritual leaders “paqos”, a term that may be translated as ‘priest’ or ‘practitioner’ The Andean Mystery Teachings invite us in to a delightful and seemingly magical world of mystical experiences.  Learn more about the Q’ero here:

Juan de Dios (Kucho) Inka Shaman – Machu Picchu

Kucho lives the path of his soul. Communicating with the spirit, it is his commitment to provide the highest level of knowledge of the Andean tradition and offer sacred journeys with integrity and safety.

He has received the great initiation of Apu Machu Picchu to raise the cosmic consciousness of humanity and to purify and regenerate the Earth, known in the Andes as the new transformation, The Great Pachakuteq.  He receives the energy and power of the white city of crystal of Machu Picchu , the Heart of Machu Picchu and the Sacred coca leaf. He communicates with the spirit of the ancestors through symbols, signs and sacred geometry of the temples and Wakas. (Sacred sites)

Jorge Luis Delgado – Chacaruna / Author / Guide – Lake Titicaca

Jorge Luis is a “chacaruna,” a bridge person, who assists people in connecting to their spiritual self within their own traditions.

In the Inca tradition, there is no separation between the physical and spiritual worlds. Jorge Luis Delgado is expert at walking this path between both worlds. He received his early training from the Kallawaya shamans of the NE Lake Titicaca region, the lineage of the Wise Ones of the Andes, and from the Qero elders of Cusco, who are the last remaining tribal descendants of the Incas.

Author of Andean Awakening: an Inca Guide to Mystical Peru and  Pachacuti: Return to Joy, Jorge Luis is recognized worldwide as an authority on Inca philosophy, spirituality and tradition.

Jorge Luis has brought to public attention the Aramu Muru Doorway, an inter-dimensional portal located in the Hayu Marca mountains in south Peru. He is also a founding member of The Brotherhood of the Solar Disc, an Andean esoteric society.